Monday, May 11, 2009

Midterm Question #2

Question #1: Research Philippine company and 1 international company that have employed e-commerce.


Philippine Company: Malaya - The National Newspaper
International Company:The 3-D Network Company International Inc.

Question #2: Describe how e-commerce operate in these companies.


The Malaya National Newspaper employed e-commerce to their company so that they can show to the reader the real news not only in the newspapers but also in the internet.The 3-D Network Company International Inc. employed e-commerce to their company because they operating their business through internet.

Question #3: Identify the benefits/ constraints derived by these companies from e-commerce.


The following is the benefits of e-commerce to their business:
  • free advertisement
  • gain more potential customers
  • less expense

Mark Ian Menorias

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