Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Prelims Question 1

May 15, 2009

1. How do you perceive information as a resource of a company?


A company is constantly confronted with many changes in business conditions, opportunities, threats, and risks-which require managers to rethink their business strategies and decision making assumptions. Managers and organizational members are continually challenged to interpret events in the business world, and to focus their attention on acquiring the appropriate knowledge and information to steer and manage the business in new directions. At a fundamental level, people use information in organizations to reduce uncertainty in decision making to accomplish tasks and actions.


Mark Ian Menorias

2. Cite a company, it's nature. Describe how the information from it's environment improve it's management in business as a whole?


People seek out and use information constantly as part of their daily life. Information relating to work, leisure, health, money, family, and a host of other topics, is sought from a huge range of sources. Increasingly, at least some of these sources are digital in nature. The use of information in the form of digital media is becoming ubiquitous in homes, libraries, offices, and also in industries that have not traditionally been seen as primarily information-based, such as manufacturing, construction and farming. Yet digital information is not the be-all and end-all of information provisioning. Many studies in decision making, marketing and informatics have shown that people apply a rich context when seeking for information, making decisions, and forming opinions.

Mark Ian Menorias

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